Colorado Laws Regarding Leash and Pet License Requirements

Whether there are any leash or license requirements that you should be aware of comes down to the city where you live. Different municipalities have different rules and regulations tied to leash and license requirements.


According to Denver Municipal Code Section 8-16, a dog owner, or keeper, is prohibited from allowing their dog to “run at large.” “Run at large” may seem like a vague or confusing phrase. In essence, this prohibits a dog owner, or keeper, from having their dog outside of their residence/property if that dog is not controlled by a leash, cord or chain held by the dog’s owner or keeper.

When referring to a dog that is on the owner’s, or keeper’s property, it is illegal to allow the dog access to the public right-of-way.

That’s to say, in the City and County of Denver, an individual can be cited, and the dog impounded by the city, if that dog is not on a leash and in public or is at home but has free access to the community/public.


According to Denver Municipal Code 8-46, a resident who intends to own a dog, or cat, must acquire a license.

If you acquire the dog, or cat, prior to it turning 6 months of age, then you must apply for and acquire a license by the time that animal reaches 180 days old. If a resident acquires a dog, or cat, that is already 6 months old, then they will have 30 days to acquire the proper license.

If you are charged with one of these offenses or would otherwise like to discuss the legal requirements associated with having a pet in Denver then please contact our office to set up a free consultation.