Common White Collar Crimes and Defenses

White-collar crimes happen behind computer screens, in boardrooms, or through a simple email. For the accused, the situation can be overwhelming. One wrong move, one misunderstood email, or even an honest mistake can lead to criminal charges. And the consequences aren’t just financial—they can destroy careers, reputations, and personal lives.

If you’re facing accusations of white-collar crime, you need to act fast. Speak to our Denver, CO criminal defense attorneys from the Law Office of Jacob Martinez to discuss your [...]

Strategies for Handling Denver Identity Theft Charges

Identity theft is a severe and complex criminal offense with significant legal challenges. For criminal defense lawyers in Denver, navigating the intricacies of identity theft cases requires a deep understanding of the law, precedents, and best practices.

This blog aims to provide a comprehensive guide for defense attorneys, offering practical insights and strategies to build a robust defense for their clients facing identity theft charges.

Understanding Identity Theft Laws in Denver

Denver, like many jurisdictions, has specific statutes addressing identity [...]

Exploring the Legal Implications of Identity Theft in Colorado

Identity theft is a growing concern in the digital age, affecting millions of individuals worldwide. Like many other states, Colorado has implemented specific laws to address and combat identity theft. Understanding the legal implications of identity theft in Colorado is essential for both victims and the general public. This blog post explores the legal framework surrounding identity theft in Colorado, including relevant statutes, penalties, and available remedies.

Defining Identity Theft in Colorado

Under Colorado law, identity theft is defined [...]

Is It Credit Card Fraud or Identity Theft in Colorado?


Colorado, like all states, has laws against credit card fraud and identity theft. But what’s the difference between the two? 

To put it simply, credit card fraud involves using someone else’s credit card without their permission or knowledge. At the same time, identity theft goes much further—it involves stealing someone else’s personal information (including Social Security numbers, bank account numbers, driver’s license numbers, etc.) and using it to commit crimes. 

These crimes occur all the time, and understanding [...]

Is That Your Child’s Name on That Credit Card?

As a parent, you want to give your child the best start in life possible. For many, that means setting your child up for future success. How some people have chosen to accomplish this is by opening up a credit card in their child’s name.

This may seem like a logical thing to do – and something you’re doing to help your child build credit but be warned that this isn’t advised. No matter your intentions, you should never put [...]