Former Denver Nugget Denies Probation Violation Allegations

If you are put on probation, you still have to display excellent behavior and stay out of trouble. Actions that are perfectly legal for anyone else may put you back in the courtroom – or possibly even jail.

Depending on the terms of your probation, one of those actions may be the seemingly innocuous decision to have a few drinks. Ty Lawson is learning this the hard way.

Back in 2015, when Lawson was still playing with the Denver Nuggets, [...]

Convicted of a Colorado DUI Recently? Time to Revisit the Case

How many drinks does it take before your blood alcohol content reaches .08 and you cannot legally drive? If you think you have a definite answer, chances are pretty good that you’re wrong.

Why? Because blood alcohol content (BAC) is determined by factors including the food in your stomach, your weight, sex, and how quickly you consumed the alcohol in question.

The only way to really prove a driver’s exact BAC is a breathalyzer test. That’s why breath and blood [...]

Were You Arrested for DUI During or After the Super Bowl?

The 2017 Super Bowl certainly came with a lot of surprises, including one of the best comebacks in sports history. Hopefully, that was the only surprise you experienced on Super Bowl Sunday. However, if you were surprised when an officer pulled you over and arrested you for driving under the influence, you should know that it wasn’t just a random accident.

Police departments throughout Colorado tend to amp up their vigilance during holidays and events when people are more likely [...]

Another Big DUI Bust during the Holidays in Colorado

While most of us have been bundling up, putting out the appropriate decorations, and generally getting ready for the holidays, Colorado law enforcement has been gearing up for big DUI busts.

Why? Because as the holidays approach, the streets will become filled with more drunk drivers and, naturally, more drunk driving accidents.

Law enforcement hopes that by arresting more people, they will be able to prevent more drunk driving accidents. To that end, the Colorado State Police host a campaign [...]

Colorado Arrested Almost 1,000 Drivers for DUI This Labor Day

How was your Labor Day Weekend?

For a lot of Colorado residents, the end of the summer and the three-day weekend weren’t as relaxing as they might have hoped. In a big crackdown on DUI, 103 Colorado law enforcement agencies made 964 DUI arrests between August 19 and September 6. This is actually a lower number than last year (in 2015, Colorado arrested 1,030 people for DUI over a similar period), but still shows how serious law enforcement is about [...]