One of the 175 CO DUI Busts Over Super Bowl Weekend? Know This…

The Broncos may not have played in the most recent Super Bowl, but that doesn’t mean that people weren’t out celebrating.

As a result, in Colorado over Super Bowl weekend, 175 drivers were arrested for DUIs. That number is down from 229 the previous year but doesn’t make the reality less serious for those who were arrested and charged with suspicion of drunk driving.

Colorado takes DUIs very seriously and the penalties they have for DUI convictions reflect that. Fortunately, [...]

Colorado Says Driving a Vehicle Signals Express Consent

Colorado DUI charges are serious business. These charges can lead to severe penalties such as a suspended license, fines and fees, and even jail time. You may even lose your driving privileges altogether.

It’s crucial to understand how DUI laws work in Colorado, including the idea of express consent since it can have a bearing on your case in court.

Here’s what you need to know to make sure you have the information you need to fight a Colorado DUI [...]