What Are the Alternatives to Jail Time for CO Drug Crimes

Being convicted in certain circumstances of drug possession in Colorado can result in serious penalties. However, Colorado is one state that has looked to change its approach to drug crimes over the last few years.

The state has made marijuana legal and has decriminalized the possession of certain quantities of narcotics. So, if you find yourself in court facing a drug charge, things may not look as bleak as they once may have been. In fact, the state has been [...]

How Are Drugs Classified in CO and Why Does It Matter?

Colorado is a state that has decriminalized certain substances in certain amounts, most famously marijuana way back in 2014. But even though decriminalization has occurred within certain limits, possession of most controlled substances is still a felony.

Colorado classifies controlled substances, including both prescription and illicit substances, into schedules. These schedules influence the way a drug crime is classified and how it is penalized, as well, so it’s a very important system to understand – especially if you’re facing drug [...]

What You Need to Know About CO Prescription Fraud

Prescription drugs are very helpful for people suffering from chronic health issues or pain. Unfortunately, these medications can also be used by some for recreation, leading to addiction and abuse.

The opioid epidemic in this country rages on and on – and with it, prescription drug fraud. Prescription drug fraud is a serious drug charge that can lead to severe consequences. Read on to understand what it is and what penalties can be faced in Colorado if you are convicted [...]

Can Social Media Posts Lead To CO Drug Charges?

Social media is the way most people stay connected in today’s world. While it has some major advantages to staying in step with trends and friends, it can also lead to legal problems if you are not careful.

Law enforcement sees the trends in social media and often capitalizes on them. In fact, posting something on your social media accounts that you only intended for friends can lead to drug charges in Colorado if you post the wrong thing. Here’s [...]

Colorado Drug Crimes: All Your Questions Answered

In Colorado, it is a crime to sell, use, manufacture, or possess controlled substances. The laws tend to change little by little in the state, however, and possessing small amounts of most controlled substances can amount to a misdemeanor crime.

There are a lot of questions when it comes to drug crimes in Colorado, especially in the ever-changing landscape of the law. Here is what you need to know right now about Colorado drug crimes and what you can expect [...]