All Drugs Are Not Created Equal in Colorado

As an attorney, I have seen firsthand the complexities of the state’s drug laws. While Colorado is known for being one of the first states to legalize recreational marijuana, the state’s drug policies extend far beyond cannabis. All drugs are not created equal in Colorado, and understanding the nuances of the state’s drug laws is crucial for anyone facing drug charges.

Understanding the Five Schedules of Drugs in Colorado

In Colorado, drugs get categorized into five different schedules, ranging from [...]

Fast Facts About Fentanyl in CO

Everywhere you go, it seems like you simply can’t get away from hearing about Fentanyl. This drug has caused significant problems in the United States and Colorado, and it’s hazardous if it’s not used correctly in a medical setting which is why it has led to an increase in deaths due to overdoses in the last several years.

Why is fentanyl so dangerous? It is essential to understand more about this drug and how it gets into the drug supply. [...]

Can Drug Offenses Get Sealed in CO?

Even in states like Colorado that have decriminalized many drugs in specific amounts, drug convictions can haunt you for years.

Whenever anyone does a background check on you for a new job, housing, or even a loan, they will see convictions on your record, and you could lose opportunities long after you’ve served your debt to society. That’s why criminal record sealing exists in Colorado, but it’s essential to understand what types of convictions can be sealed and cannot.

Here [...]

Will Mushrooms Soon Be Legal in CO?

In the U.S., Colorado is a state that views controlled substances a little more liberally than others. It was one of the first states to make marijuana legal, which makes it a bit of a trailblazer when it comes to modern drug laws – and they keep progressing. In 2019, voters in Denver elected to pass a referendum that decriminalized the use of psilocybin for adults over the age of 21.

Next on the ballot for Colorado voters to decide [...]

CO Aggravated Drug Crimes: What You Need to Know

Sometimes, those found guilty of drug felonies in Colorado can face longer sentences than they otherwise would.

Many felonies in our state can lead to mandatory sentencing. These crimes are called aggravated drug crimes. But what is aggravated drug crimes? What makes them worse than non-aggravated drug crimes? Read on to find out all you need to know.

Aggravated Drug Crimes in Denver

In our state, there are two ways that you can get an aggravated sentence for a drug [...]