Can You Be Fired for Failing a Drug Test?

With so few federal laws governing the use of drug tests in the workplace, it is left largely up to state legislatures to regulate employer drug testing matters. While other states have laws restricting how drug tests can be used in places of employment, Colorado has relatively few.

In our state, while there are certain laws that protect the privacy of tested employees, there are virtually no laws that protect workers from being required to take a drug test or [...]

Colorado Marijuana Public Display and Consumption Charges Rise

Criminal justice in Colorado has undergone some drastic changes since the state legalized the recreational use and sale of marijuana in 2012.

According to a report from the Drug Policy Alliance, the number of marijuana charges for possession, distribution, and cultivation fell by 95 percent between 2010 and 2014. Possession charges dropped from 30,428 in 2010 to 1,922 in 2014, while distribution and cultivation charges have become nearly nonexistent.

However, though possession, distribution, and cultivation charges have dropped, there has [...]

Will Governor’s Focus on Painkiller Abuse Lead to More DUIDs in Colorado?

It is no secret that all eyes have been on Colorado for its recent legalization of recreational marijuana use. Some have claimed that the problems associated with marijuana have gotten worse, while others say that things are demonstrably better now. But while the majority of people focus on this issue, behind the scenes Coloradoans have been grappling with a much more dangerous problem: the recreational—and illegal—use of painkillers.

Recently, Colorado governor John Hickenlooper announced a campaign to end this illegal [...]

Juvenile Marijuana Crimes on the Rise

In the past few years, Colorado has been receiving a lot of national media attention for becoming the first state to legalize recreational marijuana use. Despite the fact that plenty of popular news outlets have been playing up this new legislation and pointing out its positive aspects, the legalization of marijuana has not been without negative side effects.

According to the Durango Herald, Colorado schools saw a record number of drug use violations in the months following marijuana legalization. [...]

Does Lawsuit Mean Colorado’s Recreational Pot Is in Danger?

Here’s a situation that has happened far too frequently since our state legalized the recreational use of marijuana: A pot “tourist” drives here from a nearby state to partake of Colorado’s recently relaxed laws. While in our state, they sample the wares, enjoy using them, and decide to bring home a few souvenirs.

As they drive home with their legally purchased marijuana, they engage in a minor traffic violation and a police officer pulls them over. Since they weren’t worried [...]