Defenses You Can Use to Fight Colorado Drug Charges

If you are facing drug charges in Colorado, you have several options when putting together your defense. Which strategy to use will depend upon the facts of your specific situation – something a knowledgeable criminal lawyer will be able to help you with.

That being said, knowing the various potential defenses that may be able to help you can be valuable. Because of that, in this post we are going to cover a number of common defenses to drug charges [...]

Innocent Blacks 12X More Likely to Be Convicted of Drug Crimes

While the country’s attention has shifted in recent months from events like Black Lives Matter protests to major goings-on inside the White House and Congress, the fight to end oppression of black people is not over.

The road to equality is filled with roadblocks, especially ones that concern our criminal justice system. If you consider the evidence, it is very hard to deny the fact that black people are being treated unfairly by this system.

Still not convinced? Look at [...]

Exploring Colorado Drug Crimes: Beyond Marijuana

These days, when you read about drug crimes in Colorado, you’ve probably come to expect that they are concerning one drug in particular: marijuana.

Since the legalization of marijuana, Colorado has experienced decreases in some marijuana-related crimes, but also increased domestic trafficking and conflicts with neighboring states frustrated by the law.

But by focusing on marijuana, we may be ignoring other drugs in Colorado. The ones that are still completely illegal.

And the use of these drugs is quickly increasing [...]

Violent Crimes Have Decreased in Colorado since Legalization

As one of the first states to legalize recreational marijuana, the country has been looking to Colorado to see what effect legalization would have on our crime rates, incarceration rates, and overall functioning as a state. Among the many studies and reports taken in the few short years since the legalization of marijuana, one in particular looks at the rate of violent crimes in Denver.

According to, Denver saw a 2.2% decrease in all violent crimes in the first [...]

How Has the Legalization of Marijuana Affected Drug Trafficking?

Even though marijuana was only legalized here a few years ago, it has already had a huge impact. Lots of new businesses are setting up shop in Colorado to legally cash in. Taxes from marijuana sales have bolstered our state’s coffers. Arrests for marijuana are down significantly. Even drugged driving arrests related to marijuana have decreased slightly.

But there’s potentially an even bigger impact where drug trafficking is concerned. How so? The effect is two-fold, and whether it’s good or [...]