How Will A Domestic Violence Charge Affect Your Gun Rights?

Though many people are aware that federal law restricts felons from owning firearms, they may not be aware that Colorado also restricts the gun rights of individuals convicted of domestic violence crimes—even if the offense was a misdemeanor.

In 2013, Colorado passed a law preventing convicted domestic abusers from purchasing guns. If a misdemeanor domestic violence charge shows up on a background check, gun retailers cannot sell that person a firearm.

The law also made it illegal for offenders to [...]

Why Do People Commit Domestic Violence Crimes?

Domestic violence is a crime that occurs behind closed doors—both the closed doors of a shared dwelling and the closed doors of the domestic abuser’s mind.

The psychology of a domestic abuser is different from other violent criminals.  Often the abuser has no history of violent crime, and his sudden acts of aggression can seem uncharacteristic to his partner, family, and community.

A new study from the psychology research lab at Northwestern has shed some light on the mind of [...]

Domestic Violence Charges in a Gay or Lesbian Relationship

Law enforcement officials, government agencies, and the general public acknowledge that domestic violence is a serious problem affecting women and men who are married or in a romantic relationship. However, domestic violence can occur between two people in any type of relationship—including those in gay and lesbian relationships.

Studies have found that domestic violence between gay and lesbian couples occurs at rates that are comparable to those of straight couples. Now that same-sex marriage has been legalized and the public [...]

Can You Get Charged with Domestic Violence for Self-Defense?

Imagine you are in a fight with your spouse. Things get out of hand, and he or she threatens you with a knife. After unsuccessfully trying to defend yourself with words, you may feel you have no choice but to use physical force to prevent yourself from being injured or killed. You assume you are justified in your actions because you are acting in self-defense, so it comes as a nasty shock when police officers arrive on the scene and [...]

Most Common Charges in a Domestic Violence Case

It’s common to hear that someone has been “charged” with domestic violence, and even those in the legal profession (this lawyer included) tend to use this shorthand to refer to a situation where someone has been accused of a crime where domestic violence is allegedly involved. However, if you are being accused of domestic violence, it is important to understand that there is no actual domestic violence charge in Denver or anywhere else in Colorado. When we say that people [...]