How Do Colorado Cybercriminals Get Caught?

Computer hacking isn’t just a nerdy hobby or the plot of an ‘80s Matthew Broderick movie anymore – it has serious, ongoing consequences that can be felt both in the United States and abroad.

Even newly sworn-in President Trump has finally given some credit to Russia for the hacking that possibly changed the outcome of the election. President Obama has vowed to take action against cybercriminals involved in the cyberattacks from Russia, but before punishments are doled out, more data [...]

5 of the Most Common Computer Crimes in Colorado

The Internet is a wonderful way to communicate with people around the world, search for information, and explore new places without leaving our home. Unfortunately, advances in technology make it incredibly easy to commit all kinds of crimes from thousands of miles away – sometimes without even realizing that you are doing something wrong.

The Colorado Bureau of Investigation has a whole department dedicated to investigating and preventing cyber or computer crimes, specifically when identity theft or fraud is involved. [...]

Understanding Colorado’s Identity Theft Laws

Identity theft is a growing problem as more and more information is transmitted through digital technology. In 2014, there was a new identity fraud victim every 2 seconds. In other words, in the time it took you to read this far, there have probably been another five or six victims.

State governments have responded to the growing internet crime rate with harsh penalties for people accused of identity theft. And in some cases, they may even be prosecuted as federal [...]

Can My Google Searches be Used Against Me?

You know the drill. “Everything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.”

Even if you’ve never been arrested, you’ve probably heard the Miranda rights in movies or TV shows. But your words aren’t the only thing that can be used to incriminate you. Your searches, emails, accounts, and other activity onlin could be uncovered and used against you as well.

Under US law, certain government agencies, administrative agencies, and courts are allowed to [...]