How Do Lawyers Suppress Evidence in Drug Cases?
February 21, 2025
Posted by: Jacob E. Martinez
Category: Gun Crimes | Weapons Crimes
Microphones are being used to put a stop to gun crime.
Sounds like something out of science fiction, right? Or a ridiculous Saturday Night Live skit? But police in Denver allege that this powerful new technology, called the ShotSpotter, has helped them to catch two-thirds more gun crime after one year in use.
Not surprisingly, the Denver police department recently made the decision to renew and expand the Shotspotter program. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms provided funding for [...]
Posted by: Jacob E. Martinez
Category: DUI | Traffic Violations
If you’ve ever gotten pulled over in our state for speeding or reckless driving, this probably won’t come as any surprise:
But while many out there may have believed this to be true for years, now there is proof. A recent study rated US states on how strictly the state’s laws and insurance companies treated at-risk drivers. Out of all 50 states, Colorado came in 6th. The strictest state in the nation was Arizona, and the most lenient was South [...]
Posted by: Jacob E. Martinez
Category: Drug Crimes
Few would argue that the penalties for drug crimes in the US are anything but incredibly harsh. Under current Colorado and federal laws, the punishment for possessing even small amounts of illegal drugs may include prison time, staggering fines, and a lifelong criminal record. It is not uncommon for non-violent drug crimes to be penalized with lifelong prison sentences.
Current penalties are so tough that many advocates are calling for drug law reform, arguing that current laws crowd prisons and [...]
Posted by: Jacob E. Martinez
Category: Shoplifting | Theft Crimes
Shoplifting. Fuel piracy. Theft by resale of a lift ticket.
These are all activities that may constitute theft crimes under Colorado law. But while theft crimes may take many different forms in Colorado, all theft crimes typically involve knowingly taking or exercising control over someone else’s assets, property, or something else of value without their permission.
Recently, Colorado law enforcement officials have had to deal with an increase in car thefts, worries over water theft by marijuana growers, and even [...]
Posted by: Jacob E. Martinez
Category: Domestic Violence
Domestic violence is a crime that occurs behind closed doors—both the closed doors of a shared dwelling and the closed doors of the domestic abuser’s mind.
The psychology of a domestic abuser is different from other violent criminals. Often the abuser has no history of violent crime, and his sudden acts of aggression can seem uncharacteristic to his partner, family, and community.
A new study from the psychology research lab at Northwestern has shed some light on the mind of [...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Arapahoe 1st Degree Assault/Vehicular Assault[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Denver Domestic Violence Assault Case[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Denver D.V. Assault[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Denver Careless Driving Resulting in Death[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Jefferson County Felony Menacing[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Adams County DUI[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Jefferson County DUI[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Jefferson County DUI[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Jefferson Vehicular Assault/DUI[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Jefferson County DUI[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Boulder County DUI case[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Arapahoe County DUI case[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Adams County DUI case[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Douglas County DUI case[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Gilpin County DUI case[...]
Broomfield County Probation Revocation case[...]
Arapahoe County DUI case[...]
Deferred Judgment
Arapahoe County DUI case[...]
Deferred Judgment
Douglas County DUI case[...]
Deferred Judgment
Larimer County DUI case[...]
Deferred Judgment
Arapahoe County DUI Case[...]
Deferred Judgment
Denver Felony Burglary Case[...]
Deferred Judgment
Arapahoe County DUI case[...]
Arapahoe County Protection Order Case[...]
Golden Destruction of Property case[...]
Jefferson County Protection Order case[...]
Jefferson County Domestic Violence case[...]
Dismissed and Sealed
Jefferson County DUI case[...]
Denver Major Traffic Offense case[...]
Dismissed and Sealed
Broomfield County Domestic Violence case[...]
Summit County DUI Revocation[...]
Denver DUI Revocation[...]
Denver DUI Revocation[...]
Denver DUI +.2 Involving Accident and Injury case[...]
Denver DUI/Habitual Traffic Offender case[...]
Denver District Aggravated Theft[...]
Greenwood Village Assault case[...]
Elbert County DUI[...]
Arapahoe County Domestic Violence case[...]
Jefferson County DUI[...]
Denver Municipal Assault[...]
Boulder County Domestic Violence Assault case[...]
Wheat Ridge Assault case[...]
Jefferson County DUI case, with 2+ Prior Convictions[...]
Arapahoe County Domestic Violence case[...]
Broomfield County Domestic Violence case[...]
Dismissed with No Charges Filed
Jefferson County Felony Theft case[...]
Arapahoe County Felony Theft case[...]
Boulder County Felony Theft case[...]