How Do Lawyers Suppress Evidence in Drug Cases?
February 21, 2025
During the holidays, there are more people on the road traveling to visit family and friends or attending holiday parties and gatherings. It is, after all, the most wonderful time of the year. But with all the celebrating, it’s also the time of year when far too many people get in their car and drive under the influence of alcohol.
Typically, the holiday season is seen as starting with Thanksgiving – the most traveled weekend of the year – and [...]
Posted by: Jacob E. Martinez
Category: Drug Crimes | Marijuana
If you are a recreational user of marijuana, legalization probably made you stand up and cheer. Finally you could stop hiding and feeling guilty about using marijuana. If you wanted to light up on the street, you could just do it.
With the legalization of recreational marijuana use under Amendment 64, you may be under the impression that marijuana laws are now obsolete in Colorado. This, however, is not the case.
While the recreational use of marijuana is allowed, [...]
Posted by: Jacob E. Martinez
Category: Juvenile Crimes | Sex Crimes | Sexting
The law often lags far behind new technology—sometimes with disastrous results.
One huge example of this is the rise of sexting among teens. Until the law is modified, minors can find themselves facing child pornography charges for sharing explicit photos via mobile technology. And it’s not just criminal charges that teens face for sexting—under Colorado law, they could be forced to register as sex offenders.
The town of Cañon City, Colorado is learning this the hard way. Hundreds of students [...]
Posted by: Jacob E. Martinez
Category: Uncategorized
Criminal defense attorneys utilize years of experience and education to help defend clients who have been arrested on a criminal charge. Still, if you’ve been recently arrested for a crime, you may be wondering if you truly need to hire a lawyer for your case.
It’s certainly not the only option. Some people opt to represent themselves. Others take advantage of the requirement in our legal system that everyone has the right to an attorney and use a public defender. [...]
Posted by: Jacob E. Martinez
Category: Drugged Driving | DUI | DUID
DUID is short for “driving under the influence of drugs.” Regardless of legalization laws, it is still a crime to operate a car under the influence of marijuana or any other drug that effects your ability to drive. This can also include prescription drugs.
Colorado Drugged Driving LawsThe Colorado Vehicle Traffic Code contains the laws that deal with drugged driving. Section 42-4-1301(1) states that:
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Arapahoe 1st Degree Assault/Vehicular Assault[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Denver Domestic Violence Assault Case[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Denver D.V. Assault[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Denver Careless Driving Resulting in Death[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Jefferson County Felony Menacing[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Adams County DUI[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Jefferson County DUI[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Jefferson County DUI[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Jefferson Vehicular Assault/DUI[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Jefferson County DUI[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Boulder County DUI case[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Arapahoe County DUI case[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Adams County DUI case[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Douglas County DUI case[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Gilpin County DUI case[...]
Broomfield County Probation Revocation case[...]
Arapahoe County DUI case[...]
Deferred Judgment
Arapahoe County DUI case[...]
Deferred Judgment
Douglas County DUI case[...]
Deferred Judgment
Larimer County DUI case[...]
Deferred Judgment
Arapahoe County DUI Case[...]
Deferred Judgment
Denver Felony Burglary Case[...]
Deferred Judgment
Arapahoe County DUI case[...]
Arapahoe County Protection Order Case[...]
Golden Destruction of Property case[...]
Jefferson County Protection Order case[...]
Jefferson County Domestic Violence case[...]
Dismissed and Sealed
Jefferson County DUI case[...]
Denver Major Traffic Offense case[...]
Dismissed and Sealed
Broomfield County Domestic Violence case[...]
Summit County DUI Revocation[...]
Denver DUI Revocation[...]
Denver DUI Revocation[...]
Denver DUI +.2 Involving Accident and Injury case[...]
Denver DUI/Habitual Traffic Offender case[...]
Denver District Aggravated Theft[...]
Greenwood Village Assault case[...]
Elbert County DUI[...]
Arapahoe County Domestic Violence case[...]
Jefferson County DUI[...]
Denver Municipal Assault[...]
Boulder County Domestic Violence Assault case[...]
Wheat Ridge Assault case[...]
Jefferson County DUI case, with 2+ Prior Convictions[...]
Arapahoe County Domestic Violence case[...]
Broomfield County Domestic Violence case[...]
Dismissed with No Charges Filed
Jefferson County Felony Theft case[...]
Arapahoe County Felony Theft case[...]
Boulder County Felony Theft case[...]