How Do Lawyers Suppress Evidence in Drug Cases?
February 21, 2025
Posted by: Jacob E. Martinez
Category: Theft Crimes
Compared to a lot of other crimes, theft doesn’t really seem that bad. After all, you’re not physically harming or killing anyone. And in the case of something like stealing and using another person’s credit card, most likely the victim won’t even suffer financially because the credit card company will notice the unusual activity and close the account.
No big deal, right?
But it is a big deal, and if you are charged with theft, you’ll learn just how big [...]
Posted by: Jacob E. Martinez
Category: Solicitation
The world’s oldest profession – prostitution – is against the law here in Colorado and almost everywhere in the United States. Nevada is the only exception, and even then, prostitution is only legal in 28 specific brothels across 8 counties.
Whether or not this is the way it should be is up for debate, but that doesn’t change the current situation. If you engage in prostitution, solicitation, pimping, pandering, or any behavior that promotes the sex trade, you can potentially [...]
Posted by: Jacob E. Martinez
Category: Juvenile Crimes
Under Colorado law, a juvenile is any person under 18 years of age. And if a juvenile commits a crime, he or she can either be charged as a juvenile or an adult depending on the circumstances.
In following with the Colorado Juvenile Code, the goal of charging a minor as a juvenile is basically to “preserve and strengthen family ties whenever possible.” This means that Colorado is committed to looking out for a child’s welfare and to provide care, [...]
Posted by: Jacob E. Martinez
Category: White Collar Crimes
What do Enron, Bernie Madoff, Charles Ponzi, Tyco International, Jack Abramoff, and WorldCom have in common?
Although it might sound like the beginning of a bad joke, the men and companies on this list have all been involved in white collar criminal activity and are notorious for their crimes. They might seem like heroes to some. Stealing money from others and keeping it for themselves. But they aren’t heroes. They’re criminals. I make this point not to pass further judgment [...]
Posted by: Jacob E. Martinez
Category: DUI | Marijuana | Marijuana DUI
The legalization of marijuana has brought a number of marijuana-related concerns to the forefront of public consciousness, and the United States has its eyes on Colorado with our little legal “experiment.”
Besides drug trafficking, one of the major concerns about legalizing marijuana is whether the number of drugged driving incidents will increase.
Well, the statistics for 2015 have come in and the number of marijuana DUIs has decreased…slightly. In 2014, there were 354 marijuana only citations issued, and only 347 [...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Arapahoe 1st Degree Assault/Vehicular Assault[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Denver Domestic Violence Assault Case[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Denver D.V. Assault[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Denver Careless Driving Resulting in Death[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Jefferson County Felony Menacing[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Adams County DUI[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Jefferson County DUI[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Jefferson County DUI[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Jefferson Vehicular Assault/DUI[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Jefferson County DUI[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Boulder County DUI case[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Arapahoe County DUI case[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Adams County DUI case[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Douglas County DUI case[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Gilpin County DUI case[...]
Broomfield County Probation Revocation case[...]
Arapahoe County DUI case[...]
Deferred Judgment
Arapahoe County DUI case[...]
Deferred Judgment
Douglas County DUI case[...]
Deferred Judgment
Larimer County DUI case[...]
Deferred Judgment
Arapahoe County DUI Case[...]
Deferred Judgment
Denver Felony Burglary Case[...]
Deferred Judgment
Arapahoe County DUI case[...]
Arapahoe County Protection Order Case[...]
Golden Destruction of Property case[...]
Jefferson County Protection Order case[...]
Jefferson County Domestic Violence case[...]
Dismissed and Sealed
Jefferson County DUI case[...]
Denver Major Traffic Offense case[...]
Dismissed and Sealed
Broomfield County Domestic Violence case[...]
Summit County DUI Revocation[...]
Denver DUI Revocation[...]
Denver DUI Revocation[...]
Denver DUI +.2 Involving Accident and Injury case[...]
Denver DUI/Habitual Traffic Offender case[...]
Denver District Aggravated Theft[...]
Greenwood Village Assault case[...]
Elbert County DUI[...]
Arapahoe County Domestic Violence case[...]
Jefferson County DUI[...]
Denver Municipal Assault[...]
Boulder County Domestic Violence Assault case[...]
Wheat Ridge Assault case[...]
Jefferson County DUI case, with 2+ Prior Convictions[...]
Arapahoe County Domestic Violence case[...]
Broomfield County Domestic Violence case[...]
Dismissed with No Charges Filed
Jefferson County Felony Theft case[...]
Arapahoe County Felony Theft case[...]
Boulder County Felony Theft case[...]