How Do Lawyers Suppress Evidence in Drug Cases?
February 21, 2025
Posted by: Jacob E. Martinez
Category: Drug Crimes
These days, when you read about drug crimes in Colorado, you’ve probably come to expect that they are concerning one drug in particular: marijuana.
Since the legalization of marijuana, Colorado has experienced decreases in some marijuana-related crimes, but also increased domestic trafficking and conflicts with neighboring states frustrated by the law.
But by focusing on marijuana, we may be ignoring other drugs in Colorado. The ones that are still completely illegal.
And the use of these drugs is quickly increasing [...]
Posted by: Jacob E. Martinez
Category: Drug Crimes | Marijuana | Violent Crimes
As one of the first states to legalize recreational marijuana, the country has been looking to Colorado to see what effect legalization would have on our crime rates, incarceration rates, and overall functioning as a state. Among the many studies and reports taken in the few short years since the legalization of marijuana, one in particular looks at the rate of violent crimes in Denver.
According to, Denver saw a 2.2% decrease in all violent crimes in the first [...]
Posted by: Jacob E. Martinez
Category: DUI
We all have experienced this situation or something like it:
You’re driving to a party or a picnic, not thinking about whether or not there will be alcohol. Maybe it’s a work party or a public event. You get there, and it turns out you can have a few beers. So you partake, both because they’re free (!) and everyone else seems to be doing it. Unfortunately, when the time comes to leave, you may have had one too many [...]
Posted by: Jacob E. Martinez
Category: Burglary | Theft Crimes
If you steal, you could be charged with theft.
If you steal, you could be charged with burglary.
What’s the difference?
First off, both charges are very serious. Both burglaries and thefts of over $1,000 are considered felony offenses. The two can also be charged together, along with similar crimes like trespassing.
But theft and burglary are not the same action. Below we will define and explore the penalties for both theft and burglary in Colorado.
All about Colorado Theft[...]Posted by: Jacob E. Martinez
Category: Search and Seizure
One of the biggest catalysts in the debate surrounding police shootings has been live videos and footage of police activity. Most recently, a Facebook Live Video was broadcasted of Minnesota police shooting Philando Castile. The video went viral and caused an uproar, as well as a discussion of issues including police relations and gun ownership.
Now, citizens are encouraged and allowed to record law enforcement activity if they believe the officer is doing something illegal or unethical. But no one [...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
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Jury Trial - Not Guilty
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Jury Trial - Not Guilty
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Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Jefferson County DUI[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Jefferson County DUI[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Jefferson Vehicular Assault/DUI[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
Jefferson County DUI[...]
Jury Trial - Not Guilty
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Jury Trial - Not Guilty
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Jury Trial - Not Guilty
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Jury Trial - Not Guilty
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Jury Trial - Not Guilty
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Deferred Judgment
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Deferred Judgment
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Deferred Judgment
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Deferred Judgment
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Deferred Judgment
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Deferred Judgment
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Dismissed and Sealed
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Dismissed and Sealed
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Denver DUI Revocation[...]
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Dismissed with No Charges Filed
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