Differences between Municipal and State Court in Colorado

Navigating the Colorado court system is not an easy task. Forget figuring out your defense strategy. Just finding which court you will have to report to can be confusing. Denver specifically has multiple court systems that handle legal matters, including municipal courts, district courts, and more.

For this blog post, we will focus on municipal and district courts. Both of these courts deal with legal matters that take place within Colorado borders, and generally follow the same procedure, but there [...]

When are Members of the Armed Forces Held to the UCMJ?

When you first joined the military, you may not have realized that you would be under a new set of laws. The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) is separate from civilian law, but it is upheld in a similar manner.

The UCMJ contains many “obvious” laws that civilians already have to obey, like laws against murder and theft. However, in addition to the laws servicemen and women have practiced as civilians, the UCMJ also adds laws that might surprise [...]

Are Colorado Marijuana Laws Moving Backward?

Everyone knows that Colorado has been a leader in the movement to legalize marijuana. After our state and Washington voted in favor of recreational marijuana use a few years ago, four more states followed suit in the November election. It is proof of what the polls have been saying for a while now – more and more people across the country are in favor of legalization.

So why is Colorado looking to pass laws that limit our ability to grow [...]

Former Denver Nugget Denies Probation Violation Allegations

If you are put on probation, you still have to display excellent behavior and stay out of trouble. Actions that are perfectly legal for anyone else may put you back in the courtroom – or possibly even jail.

Depending on the terms of your probation, one of those actions may be the seemingly innocuous decision to have a few drinks. Ty Lawson is learning this the hard way.

Back in 2015, when Lawson was still playing with the Denver Nuggets, [...]

Convicted of a Colorado DUI Recently? Time to Revisit the Case

How many drinks does it take before your blood alcohol content reaches .08 and you cannot legally drive? If you think you have a definite answer, chances are pretty good that you’re wrong.

Why? Because blood alcohol content (BAC) is determined by factors including the food in your stomach, your weight, sex, and how quickly you consumed the alcohol in question.

The only way to really prove a driver’s exact BAC is a breathalyzer test. That’s why breath and blood [...]