CO Business Owners: Some Tax Mistakes Are More Costly Than Others

When you’re running a business, there is always something else that needs to get done. Your focus tends to be on whatever is in front of you, so events that are months away can sometimes fall off your radar. This can include filing your taxes.

The problem is, delaying your tax filing can result in errors. A rushed filing a few days before your deadline keeps you from being able to catch them.

The IRS is simply doing its job [...]

When Your Holiday Prank Has Landed You a CO Criminal Mischief Charge

The holidays are a time full of good tidings, joy, and laughter. Sometimes, these feelings of merriment come as a result of a good old-fashioned holiday prank. Unfortunately, these pranks can result in real trouble if someone believes you’ve taken your practical joke a bit too far.

Here in Colorado, it’s called criminal mischief, and knowing what that means could make the difference between spending the holidays feeling jolly…or in jail.

So how does Colorado law enforcement define criminal mischief?[...]

Do You Know the Difference between Probation and Parole in CO?

Parole and probation are both alternatives to imprisonment. Another thing they have in common is that either a probation violation or a parole violation is a threat to your freedom, and could potentially land you in jail for some or all of your original sentence.

However, these sentences are handed down under different circumstances, and their terms differ to some extent.

We’ve put together a guide covering the similarities and differences between parole and probation, the consequences of a violation, [...]

CO Cops Arrest Lots of People for Holiday DUIs – Don’t Be One of Them

The holidays are a time when there are plenty of parties, tons of traveling, and abundant alcohol. This can be a great time, or it can be a recipe for disaster.

It’s all too easy to get a DUI during the month when everyone is serving spiked eggnog and there’s a gathering almost every night.

It’s also easy to be safe and smart during the holidays. Avoiding a DUI is as simple as not driving while you’re intoxicated. These three [...]

Drug Searches on Public Transportation: What Is the Law in Colorado?

If a police officer pulls you over for a traffic violation, they might ask to search your vehicle. You have the right to say no, which you can and should exercise, even when feel you have nothing to hide.

What about traveling on public transit, though? What are your rights in then?

Because public transit is paid for by tax dollars, it is considered public property. However, you still have the right to refuse a search of your person unless [...]