Colorado Law Says Even Consensual Sex Is Illegal Sometimes

When Colorado authorities uncovered a relationship between a 34-year-old man and a 14-year-old girl, they charged him with child molestation.

Even though the relationship was reportedly consensual, it has been considered a felony offense. This is because in Colorado to have sex with a victim who is less than 15 years of age if you are more than four years older than them.

There is one exception to this rule — state law includes a spousal exemption from sexual assault [...]

What Happens When You Steal from a Colorado Hotel?

Taking a couple of towels or a pillow from a hotel room may not seem to be a big deal. While it’s true that hotels build losses due to theft into their annual budgets, it’s still a crime to take something from one that doesn’t belong to you.

In Colorado, the penalties you may face from theft are based on the value of the property taken. Here’s what you need to know about theft in Colorado that may give you [...]

CO Businesses Must Report Even When You Didn’t Collect Sales Tax

Across Colorado, it’s been reported that retail sales are down by 15 percent due to COVID-19. Due to the pandemic, many businesses are closed temporarily while others have gone out of business.

Still, if you’re a small business owner in Colorado, you need to make sure you stay on top of your state sales tax reports. Even if a business doesn’t collect anything, failing to file your state sales tax reports can be considered tax fraud.

Here’s what you need [...]

What Makes a Crime a “Hate Crime” In Colorado?

Crimes are committed every day for a variety of reasons, but there is a special category of crimes called hate crimes that are classified as being motivated by specific personal biases and can have serious repercussions for the accused.

In Colorado, there are a couple of hate crimes that have made waves lately. The first was an assault on a Sikh business owner in Jefferson County who was told to “go back to your own country” before being struck by [...]

Did You Experience One of These Common 4th of July Arrests in CO?

The Fourth of July is a time of celebration, but sometimes those celebrations can result in an arrest. There are quite a few types of arrests that tend to spike over the holiday, each with their own possible penalties.

If you or someone you know ran into trouble over the Fourth of July, then there are things you need to know about these common types of arrests and what they can mean for your future.

Why Does Crime in Colorado[...]