I Paid My Colorado Ticket! Do I Still Have to Go to Court?

In Colorado, Municipal or city courts handle offenses involving city laws that occur within the city. Typically, municipal courts handle minor offenses like traffic infringements, dog leash-law infractions, littering, abandoned vehicles, and noise violations.

Have you received a ticket or summons to a municipal court in Colorado? You may be wondering what to expect and how best to proceed.

To help you understand the Colorado municipal court process, we’ve included a guide to commonly asked questions below.

Colorado Municipal Courts[...]

Mess with Your CO Neighbor’s Political Sign, Risk Your Chance to Vote

Right now, it’s hard to miss that it’s election season. Political signs are everywhere and in such a highly polarized political climate, the urge to do something to your neighbor’s political sign can feel overwhelming.

Take a deep breath!

While it’s not against the law to disagree with someone’s political views, it is against the law to tamper with someone else’s property. So if you mess with your Colorado neighbor’s political signs there could be legal ramifications.

In fact, getting [...]

Colorado Says Driving a Vehicle Signals Express Consent

Colorado DUI charges are serious business. These charges can lead to severe penalties such as a suspended license, fines and fees, and even jail time. You may even lose your driving privileges altogether.

It’s crucial to understand how DUI laws work in Colorado, including the idea of express consent since it can have a bearing on your case in court.

Here’s what you need to know to make sure you have the information you need to fight a Colorado DUI [...]

Should Prostitution Be Legal?

Arguing for the legalization of prostitution would not seem to be a viable platform for a politician, and it’s hard to imagine such a thing happening within our lifetimes. However, more and more, it appears to be becoming a question of serious public and social debate.

Most recently, Amnesty International caught a lot of attention in late July when the human rights group released a draft proposal calling for the decriminalization of all “aspects of consensual sex work.” The Internet [...]

Colorado Defelonized Drug Possession, Not Drug Trafficking

Being accused of a drug crime is a scary thing and is often confusing to boot. The laws surrounding drug possession and drug trafficking are complicated.

Being found in possession of a substance, especially in Colorado, may not lead to a serious offense, but being accused of trafficking those drugs can be – and there’s a fine line between possession and trafficking under the law.

In Northern Colorado, six people were recently accused of drug trafficking after several different types [...]