Colorado Drug Trafficking Isn’t the Only Charge You’re Facing

Marijuana has been legal in Colorado for over seven years, and the 2020 election shows that states are still following suit. That doesn’t mean that Coloradoans face no rules when it comes to handling the substance, though.

If you are involved in any sort of out-of-state marijuana distribution, you are likely to face more than one charge. Some of these charges will be drug charges, while others may involve money, weapons, or elements that appear to be completely unrelated to [...]

Local Retail Theft Becomes Federal Conviction in Colorado

Ever taken advantage of a five-finger discount? Slip something extra into the bottom of your cart and never lay it on the conveyer belt? Most Coloradoans can probably say it’s happened once in their lifetime, and it wasn’t that big of a deal.

What they may not know is sometimes it is — and a really big one at that. Being charged with theft in Colorado can mean an array of legal consequences depending on what it is that was [...]

How Colorado Decides Who Is a Sexual Predator

Mental health professionals spend hours interviewing alleged and convicted sex offenders in order to understand what makes them tick. In a rehabilitation capacity, they also work to help offenders understand themselves.

Sometimes the measurement tools these trained professionals have in their toolbox help them understand the things a sex offender may not want to — or even know how to — share.

It’s thanks to the hard work of mental health professionals and law enforcement professionals such as those at [...]

Solicitation Doesn’t Always Mean Sex Crime in Colorado

In the state of Colorado, you don’t need to actively participate in a crime in order to be charged with a role in it. One of the ways this can happen is through solicitation of a crime.

While most people think about solicitation in terms of prostitution, the truth is that there are many non-sexual ways to commit this crime.

Here’s what you need to know about criminal solicitation and the penalties you can face if you’re charged with it.[...]

Proving Bias Isn’t Always Easy in Colorado…Unless It Is

There are many subtle ways that people express bias every day. That’s why in many Colorado court cases, bias is hard to prove.

It can be as simple as providing someone slower service or choosing to hire someone else for no real reason. However, in some cases, bias is a little more obvious. Take a recent Colorado hate crime, for example.

A white man stabbed a Black man in the neck in a fast food restaurant unprovoked. When asked why [...]