Using a Friend of a Friend’s Netflix Login in CO?

When your friend shares their Netflix account with you, your first thought probably isn’t that what you’re doing is illegal. After all, it’s just the sharing of a password on a streaming service, how bad could it be?

It turns out that sharing streaming service account information with friends and family isn’t unusual, but it is technically legal.

According to internal streaming service polls, 12 percent of people who use the streaming service aren’t paying for it and it’s costing [...]

One of the 175 CO DUI Busts Over Super Bowl Weekend? Know This…

The Broncos may not have played in the most recent Super Bowl, but that doesn’t mean that people weren’t out celebrating.

As a result, in Colorado over Super Bowl weekend, 175 drivers were arrested for DUIs. That number is down from 229 the previous year but doesn’t make the reality less serious for those who were arrested and charged with suspicion of drunk driving.

Colorado takes DUIs very seriously and the penalties they have for DUI convictions reflect that. Fortunately, [...]

How You Landed a Criminal Invasion of Privacy Charge in CO

The world is an increasingly crowded and connected place. That may be why the right to privacy is seen as something so precious, especially over the last several decades.

In Colorado, you can be criminally charged with invasion of privacy, which is a concept that someone’s private life has been intruded on by another without their consent.

It’s not a standalone crime but one that has several distinct causes of action that can land you with a felony charge in [...]

Carrying a Firearm While Trafficking Drugs in Colorado

Possessing most drugs in any quantity is a serious offense, but there are some factors that can make this already significant crime even more substantial in the eyes of the law.

A Denver man who was recently convicted for drug trafficking is a perfect example. He was sentenced in federal court to drug trafficking charges, but his sentence was enhanced further because he was found in possession of a firearm while committing the crime.

He was sentenced to five years [...]

Posting Bathtub Pics of Your Kid’s a CO Felony: True or False?

A child is special. When you have children of your own, it’s natural to want to share them with the world when they’re at their cutest.

It’s not uncommon to find parents with photos of their babies in the bathtub with absolutely no nefarious purpose behind it – but does the law see it that way?

With the popularity of social media, there’s talk online that those precious photos may get you into legal trouble.

If those pictures fall into [...]