Internet Luring of a Child in CO: What You Need to Know

Many people have access to computers in Colorado – including kids.

If you are ever in contact with a child online and make plans to meet up for sex, then that is itself a crime in Colorado – even if sex acts never take place.

With the way computers and the internet are used in the lives of everyday people in this day and age, it’s pivotal to understand what is against the law and what potential penalties can be [...]

What You Need to Know About CO Prescription Fraud

Prescription drugs are very helpful for people suffering from chronic health issues or pain. Unfortunately, these medications can also be used by some for recreation, leading to addiction and abuse.

The opioid epidemic in this country rages on and on – and with it, prescription drug fraud. Prescription drug fraud is a serious drug charge that can lead to severe consequences. Read on to understand what it is and what penalties can be faced in Colorado if you are convicted [...]

Your Guide to Colorado Vehicular Homicide and Vehicular Assault

Accidents, especially involving vehicles, happen. It’s a part of the risk everyone accepts when they get behind the wheel. But when someone in a vehicle strikes and harms another, or kills them, then it’s more than just a simple accident in the eyes of the law.

In certain situations, injuring or killing another person in an accident may be a crime. In Colorado, vehicular assault or vehicular homicide may come into play.

Below, we’ll cover what you need to know [...]

Is a Plea Deal the Best Thing For a CO DUI?

Many people want to avoid going to court when they’re charged with a crime. After all, it’s expensive, and the outcome is not guaranteed. Many people opt for plea bargains, including those in DUI cases in Colorado.

While a plea bargain is an option, it’s not always the best one. In fact, sometimes a plea bargain may be the worst thing you can do for your DUI case.

What’s important is to understand what a plea bargain is, what it [...]

Can Social Media Posts Lead To CO Drug Charges?

Social media is the way most people stay connected in today’s world. While it has some major advantages to staying in step with trends and friends, it can also lead to legal problems if you are not careful.

Law enforcement sees the trends in social media and often capitalizes on them. In fact, posting something on your social media accounts that you only intended for friends can lead to drug charges in Colorado if you post the wrong thing. Here’s [...]