Shoplifting in CO This Holiday Season? Think Again

The holidays can be tempting for many reasons. Maybe you’re tempted to eat too many mincemeat pies or have yet another slice of your grandpa’s famous fruit cake. Maybe you’re overindulging in beverages at your holiday office party. Or perhaps you end up in a crowded store with merchandise everywhere and think how easy it’d be to slip something into your pocket and walk out with it.

Temptations are all around, especially during the holiday season. During this season, there [...]

Assault and Menacing: What’s the Difference in Colorado?

When you hear people talking about assault and menacing in Colorado, they may use the words interchangeably. However, it’s important to note that in the eyes of the law, they are different charges with different criminal penalties.

If you are facing an assault or menacing charge, it is critical to understand and know the difference between the two. That’s why it’s worth reading and learning about what these two crimes have in common and their differences.

Menacing in Colorado

Menacing [...]

CO DUI With an Out Of State License: What Now?

Colorado is a very popular state to visit, so it’s common for people to drive on Colorado roads with an out-of-state license. But what happens when you commit a crime with that out-of-state license – like a DUI?

Colorado state laws apply to everyone, not just those who reside there. That’s why if you get a DUI in Colorado while visiting, it’s essential to understand what is in store for you. Here is what you need to know.

DUI for[...]

Turkey Day Family Fight? Could Be CO Domestic Violence

The holidays are a joyous time for many people but can also lead to heightened stress and other challenges, straining personal relationships. This is precisely why domestic violence in Colorado seems to get a bump during the holidays as families get together.

Domestic Violence in Colorado is a complex topic. Many average Coloradans don’t know what domestic violence is or how it is perpetrated. Can a simple squabble on Turkey Day land you in jail? Read on to find out [...]

Colorado Edibles: Do You Know the Law?

Since 2014, marijuana has been legal in the state of Colorado. However, this legalization of recreational marijuana isn’t without limits or laws. It’s important for anyone who lives in Colorado or visiting to understand marijuana and various marijuana-related product laws.

One such product is marijuana edibles. These concentrated forms of marijuana can be dangerous to those who are not aware of their proper consumption of them.  As well as what the law says about how much you can have.

Here [...]