Attorney Jacob E. Martinez Avoids DUI and Obstruction Convictions in Arapahoe County

In Arapahoe County, a client of Mr. Martinez’s was charged with multiple serious offenses, including Resisting Arrest, Obstructing a Peace Officer, Driving Under the Influence, and Careless Driving.  After thorough investigation and negotiation, Mr. Martinez was able to negotiate a disposition in which his client pled guilty to only the minor offense of Careless Driving, and pleas to certain more serious offenses will be deferred for a period of one year.  This resolution will enable the client to avoid convictions [...]

DUI Attorney Jacob E. Martinez Achieves Non-Alcohol Plea in Broomfield

Recently, in a Broomfield County DUI case, Mr. Martinez negotiated a resolution in which all alcohol-related driving charges were dismissed, and his client was able to enter a plea to Reckless Driving.  Mr. Martinez’s client was able to keep her driver’s license, she served no jail or probation, and all court fines were deferred.  Most importantly, she was able to avoid having the black mark of an alcohol-related driving conviction on her record.  DUI or DWAI convictions, by contrast, involve [...]

Attorney Jacob E. Martinez Overcomes Indefinite Lifetime Driver’s License Revocation

Recently, at a DMV hearing for a client serving an indefinite driver’s license revocation due to a vehicular manslaughter conviction, Mr. Martinez successfully argued for reinstatement of the client’s driver’s license.  Though the client had previously attempted to reinstate at a hearing on his own, without counsel, the client had been unsuccessful at that time.  However, Mr. Martinez successfully argued that the client had taken all steps necessary to justify reinstatement under the controlling statutes, and the DMV hearing officer [...]

Denver DUI Attorney Jacob E. Martinez Achieves Denver DUI DMV Dismissal

Recently, at a DMV hearing resulting from a DUI charge, Mr. Martinez successfully argued for the dismissal of the pending driver’s license revocation action.  Through investigation and analysis, Mr. Martinez presented a compelling argument that the state could not, by a preponderance of the evidence, prove that the client was the driver of the vehicle in question; despite the fact that the client’s intoxication was indisputable.  As a result of the successful DMV hearing, the client kept his license, and [...]

Denver DUI attorney Jacob E. Martinez Achieves Complete Denver DUI Dismissal

In Denver County court, Denver DUI attorney Jacob E. Martinez achieved complete dismissal of all charges in a Denver DUI case.  In this case, because the client had prior alcohol-related convictions, the client was facing an offer of nine months in jail.  However, Mr. Martinez identified a unique jurisdictional issue in the case, which rendered the continued prosecution of the client to be in violation of the law.  Upon identifying this issue, Mr. Martinez brought the matter before the county [...]